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Cannonballs, Part 6

by Robert Cailliau

Cannonball Tutorial! Part 1.1 | Part 1.2 | Part 2.1 | Part 2.2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2
Part 4.1 | Part 4.2 | Part 5.1 | Part 5.2 | Part 6.1 | Part 6.2

We should make sure that we will understand the program in the future.

There are several items:

  1. a user guide
  2. a programmer's guide
  3. diagrams
  4. comments in the code

The User Guide

For this program, the user guide can be a simple piece of text with a single image in it:

User Guide

Cannon allows you to see the trajectory made by a cannonball.

The screen looks like this (just after pressing "Fire!"):

There are two controls:

  1. the elevation of the barrel, which you can set with a slider to values between 0 degrees(horizontal) and 90 degrees(vertical)
  2. the amount of powder used, which you can set with the second slider to values between 0 and 100.

Pressing the button labelled "Fire !" will then show how the cannonball moves with that elevation and amount of powder.

Pressing the button labelled "Clear all paths" will remove all paths you have drawn and start with a clean sky.

OK, so that was not very painful. It is a good idea to write a user guide, so that others can use the program too, and you yourself have some understanding of what it is supposed to do. You would be surprised how much you learn yourself just from trying to explain to someone else what it is you want a program to do.

The Programmer's Guide

We will not write the programmer's guide here, because all the pages you read until now are in fact a very detailed programmer's guide.


These too we will not make, because the previous pages contain them.

It is difficult to put adequate diagrams into the program code. It is better to keep them in some graphics notation such as SVG or PDF, and just refer to them from the programmer's guide or from the documentation. Another good way of course is to make web pages because then you can easily combine the text and graphics and alos make links!

Comments in the code

Let's do the scripts one by one.

Remember that a script can contain many handlers, though in our case each script has only one.

We begin with the property handler of the barrel. There is one important thing to point out: that the formattedwidth must be used. We change the handler to:

-- Property NozzleLoc


-- returns the location of the end of the barrel, from where the

-- cannonball will start its flight.

-- The location of the nozzle is a point dependent on the

-- elevation of the barrel and the location of the barrel.


-- Because the barrel image turns, its width and height change.

-- We need to use the formattedwidth to get the radius of the circle

-- described by the nozzle.




getprop pNozzleLoc

put the pElevation of me into lElevation

put item 1 of the loc of me into lCentreX

put item 2 of the loc of me into lCentreY

put ( the formattedwidth of me )/2 into lLength

put lCentreX + lLength*cos(lElevation*pi/180) into lNozzleX

put lCentreY - lLength*sin(lElevation*pi/180) into lNozzleY

return round(lNozzleX),round(lNozzleY)

end pNozzleLoc

Note how I've put a "block of comments" in front of the handler to summarise what it does and why.

Also note that I put the handler's name in bold, so it is easier to spot. This is especially useful if there are many handlers in a script, and I will do this from now on.

Now the setting of the elevation:

-- Turn the barrel image as the user slides the elevation slider.

-- store the value in a property of the image for use by others (e.g. nozzleloc)

-- store the value in the field to show the user what the degrees are.


on ScrollbarDrag fValue

set the angle of image "CannonBarrel.png" to fValue

set the pElevation of image "CannonBarrel.png" to fValue

put fValue into field "Elevation"

end ScrollbarDrag

I have taken the opportunity to put the two lines affecting the image together and that affecting the field last. This is more logical. Personally, I don't like these three lines of comment: they just repeat what the program already says quite clearly. Transcript is good enough in itself in most cases. The only real point is perhaps the creation of the custom property for use by others.

You could leave all three comment lines out and I would not be unhappy. However, the clarity of the Transcript code is helped a lot by the good choice of names: we were the authors of the names Elevation and CannonBarrel.png. Maybe we should change the rather meaningless name fValue to the more meaningful name fSliderButtonPosition.

The other slider is similar:

-- Show the user the amount of powder by putting the value in a field,

-- also store it in a property of the barrel for others to use.


on ScrollbarDrag fValue

put fValue into field "Powder"

set the pPowder of image "CannonBarrel.png" to fValue

end ScrollbarDrag

The Fly handler is the most difficult. We don't really want to explain all about simulation of physics.

-- Fly the ball by simulating the physics of motion in the gravitational

-- field of the Earth. Effects of wind, air resistance etc. are ignored.

-- Only a vertical gravity force on a flat, non-rotating Earth is taken

-- into account.


-- For simulation of motion see elsewhere.


-- The values k1, k2 and A are chosen so the effect looks acceptable.

-- k1 is the speed scale factor,

-- k2 is the acceleration scale factor

-- and A is the acceleration of gravity.


-- The paths are drawn on an image "Path" that is created if it does not

-- exist; it will be deleted by the "Clear all paths" button.


on Fly fVx,fVy


put 0.5 into lk1

put 0.5 into lk2

put 0.5 into lA

-- get our starting position:

put item 1 of the loc of me into lX

put item 2 of the loc of me into lY


-- use this position also for the previous position before moving off:

put lX into lOldX; put lY into lOldY

-- make sure we have a large image to draw the paths:

if there is no image "Path" then

create image "Path"; set the rect of image "Path" to the rect of this card

end if

choose line tool

-- simulate the motion: stop when we hit the grass.

repeat until lY >= the top of graphic "Grass"

set the loc of me to round(lX),round(lY)

drag from round(lOldX),round(lOldY) to round(lX),round(lY)

put lX into lOldX; put lY into lOldY

add fVx*lk1 to lX

subtract fVy*lk1 from lY

subtract lA*lk2 from fVy

wait 1 ticks

end repeat

choose browse tool

end Fly

The most important comments are about the Path image and about hitting the grass.

I wrote: For simulation of motion see elsewhere. That's cheating a little, because I should at least give some more specific hint, for example a URL of a tutorial on the web, the name of a document on my own computer where I keep notes about simulation, or something of that kind.

You can add a line of comment to the handler of the Clear all paths button if you want, and then we are finished.

You can read the summary to recapitulate what we learned in this tutorial (a lot!!).

Cannonball Tutorial! Part 1.1 | Part 1.2 | Part 2.1 | Part 2.2 | Part 3.1 | Part 3.2
Part 4.1 | Part 4.2 | Part 5.1 | Part 5.2 | Part 6.1 | Part 6.2

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