CGI Problem: Array not properly read?

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami katir at
Mon Sep 2 01:49:00 EDT 2002

I recent found the CGI that I posted a few days ago has a problem where 
a function that tests for missing fields from the form that was posted 
is breaking.

The problem is: even though the fields are in fact filled in by the 
client on the HTML form... the CGI is trapping at this point in the 
script as if they were empty and then returning spurious data.

The script processes  incoming POST data such that the  name of the 
field and the value  are in an array called "tDataIn"  where the keys 
are the form input field names and the  contents of each element is the 
data entered into the form:  At this point in the script I test for 
missing fields, all of which should be filled in except the phone 
number, extra address lines and the comments file which are allowed to 
be empty. if any other fields are empty the script calls a function and 
send the browser an HTML page with the  list of fields the user left 

Now, this script was working and now is occasionally breaking... I 
can't figure it out. Sometimes the function is actually returning the 
contents of other elements in the array....

  put keys(tDataIn) into tFields
      ## a line delimited list of all the input form field names.
   sort lines of tFields

    ## now we build all of the input into a variable
      repeat for each line x in tFields
         put (x & tab & tDataIn[x] & cr ) after tSubmit
      end repeat
## the above works... because I save tSubmit to a file (see below)
## and it looks fine
    ## Now check for missing fields
## This is the problematic part of the script that is generating 
## results seemingly at random.
      set the itemdel to tab
      put empty into missing_fields
      repeat for each line x in tSubmit
      if (item 1 of x is not among the words of "09_Phone 13_add2 
14_add3 19_comments" ) then
            if item 2 of x is empty then put item 1 of x & "<br>" after 
       end if
      end repeat
      if missing_fields is not empty then
          sendUserFeedback (missing_fields)
      exit startup
      end if
## here is the function:
on sendUserFeedback missing_fields
  put "Sorry, please fill in the following required fields, and submit 
again. <BR>Do not click the BACK button in your browser. " into 
  put "<BR><A HREF=" & quote & 
"" &quote& "> 
Please click this link instead to order again.</A>" & "<p>" after  
put missing_fields after tResponse
  put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
   put "Content-Length:" && the length of tResponse & cr & cr
   put tResponse
end sendUserFeedback


The spurious results will be an HTML response like this:
Sorry, please fill in the following required fields, and submit again.
Do not click the BACK button in your browser. "

some text entered into the comments field
Katir at

Somehow in the above,where the variable "missing_fields" should be 
empty the CGI is actually passing   the content of some of the array 
elements  into the "missing_fields" variable, thereby triggering the 
function, and passing the content of, in this case, the email and 
comments elements. But, and this is really wierd... next attempt and it 
will pass a different set of data to the same function... just the 
first or last name for example....

Here is an example of the data in the variable tSubmit that the missing 
fields handler is processing.. it looks perfect (tab separate the 
name-value pairs)

00_item_name	2003 Iraivan Temple Calendar
01_Quantity	2
02_Subtotal	US$32.00
03_Shipping	US$0.00
04_Total	US$32.00
05_cc#	123412341234
06_expmonth	01
07_expyear	02
08_email	katir at
10_First	Siva
11_Last	Katirswami
12_add1	107 Kaholalele RD
15_City	Kapaa
16_State	HI
17_Zip	96746
18_Country	USA
19_comments	test... .. forward this to me if you get it... Thanks

Any clues??

Hinduism Today

Sannyasin Sivakatirswami
Editor's Assistant/Production Manager
katir at,,,

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