Editable field

Ray Horsley ray at linkitonline.com
Sat Sep 7 14:22:01 EDT 2002

on 9/7/02 6:45 AM, Domi at mcdomi at free.fr wrote:

> I made a small stack to teach the multiplication tables (a test)
> In fact, it is a porting of a HC stack.
> Translation was a breeze :-)
> A little problem, though: the child is given a multiplication, say 4
> x 9; he must answer in a field. I can't focus on this field (nor type
> tab) for the *first* test of a series.
> I have to resort on a rather inelegant way, i.e. "click at loc of field".
> Is there a better way?

I don't understand why you can't focus on that field.  You should be able to
focus on it if it's the last thing you do before turning control over to the
student.  If worst comes to worst, you can always load a global with a
command like "focus on field 1", then trap for the global in an idle handler
which executes it and then empties the global.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

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