Mac menubar

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Sep 13 15:03:01 EDT 2002

On 9/13/02 1:01 PM, Shari wrote:

> I played with setting the default menubar of the auxilliary stacks, but 
> decided hide/show was the easiest and safest route :-)

It's a non-standard interface though and a HC capability that is way too 
abused (backdrops being another. I hate backdrops.) There are a couple 
of other ways to handle the menu issue, one harder than the other. I 
usually script the menus so that when a user chooses a menu item that 
isn't relevant to the auxilliary stack, I close up the auxilliary and 
return to the main stack before implementing the command. If necessary, 
add a closestack handler to the auxilliary to clean up or to warn the 
user so the action can be aborted.

The other way, which is simpler, is to just disable non-relevant menus 
or menuitems when an auxilliary is opened. If appropriate, sometimes I 
disable the entire menu -- for example, when the About box is opened.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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