Thank you all...

Shari gypsyware at
Thu Sep 26 10:24:07 EDT 2002

You guys really made my evening yesterday, when just before quitting 
for the day, I realized that the inability to edit scripts would blow 
my entire strategy for this program.

I would have shut down and been miserable all night long, and 
probably today and tomorrow and every day it took to rework the 
entire program, knowing that every day added to the development cost 
made it less likely I'd ever recoup my time spent.

But thanks to you guys jumping immediately into help mode, I now have 
ideas to try out that will hopefully prevent a major upheaval.  I'm 
hoping to avoid dissecting the entire program.  I was intending to 
have this out the door today to my testers, and be working on part 2 
of the plan tomorrow.

I might still make it, thanks to you wondrous creatures :-)

Thank You!

Shari C
--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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