Speeding up this handler

Shari gypsyware at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 12 10:43:01 EDT 2003

>If possible, you might want to consider a "holding bay" approach to handling
>your images and see if it runs any faster.  Create two sets of objects: a
>"master set" of image objects which is located offscreen or in a substack,
>and a "slave set" of button objects which is the grid of images the user
>actually sees.  At startup (or between game levels or other times that
>loading would be acceptable), set the filenames of the master images as
>needed before actual game play.  When it comes time to display the level,
>set the icons of the slave buttons to the IDs of the master images.

>I don't know if the setup of your game lends itself to this arrangement, but
>the theory is that setting the icons of buttons to internal image references
>may be faster than setting the filenames of images to external file
>references. -- Scott Rossi

This is actually what I'm doing, except using images rather than 
buttons.  The "big square" is the master data, and the "small square" 
is the actual game window.  I had assumed using images would be 
faster, but I am not averse to using buttons.  Whatever will get this 
code to run quickly.  I will try it.

So many other things will also be happening in this window, that will 
affect the speed, this is a critical piece of code.

Shari C
Gypsy King Software

--Shareware Games for the Mac--

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