closeStack and the message path question

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sun Feb 1 21:07:50 EST 2004

On 2/1/04 9:33 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:

> I have a stack, and a substack with the following handlers in it:
> stack
>     closeStackRequest
>     closeStack
>     substack
>         closeStack
> Since the substack does not have its own closeStackRequest it seems to be
> taking the one from the parent stack.
> But after the parent stack's closeStackRequest is done, the closeStack that
> apepars to get executed is the closeStack handler in the parent stack,
> rather than the one in the substack.
> Is that the way it's supposed to work?

It depends on which one you are closing.

Do you use the debugger much to trace through this sort of stuff? That's 
one of the best ways to see what is going on with the message path. 
Place a breakpoint in a script close to the origin of the action 
sequence (like in the above closeStackRequest handler, for example) and 
then use "Step Into" repeatedly to see which handlers get triggered and 
in what order.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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