Dialogs in library organization

Rob Cozens rcozens at pon.net
Wed Feb 4 16:16:25 EST 2004

>There is one issue of which I am aware and for which I have no a 
>satisfactory solution:
>	sharing library handlers that manipulate declared local variables.
>To this point I've just shrugged it off

Thank you, Dar, for causing me to give the issue more thought.

I now conclude it is NOT an issue to the extent I feared, and I hope 
someone will confirm my fears are unfounded.  Here's my reasoning:

When SDB Client A standalone starts using Serendipity Library, a copy 
of the Library stack is loaded in RAM assigned to Client A standalone.

When SDB Client B standalone starts using Serendipity Library, a copy 
of the Library stack is loaded in RAM assigned to Client B standalone.

So when Client A changes the value of a declared local variable, it 
does NOT affect the value of the same variable from the perspective 
of the other standalone.

Note this still creates an issue if multiple client stacks are 
managed by a single standalone; but it seems, in theory, that a 
single copy of Serendipity Library CAN provide resources to ALL 
Revolution standalones that don't open more than one SDB client stack 
at a time, whether on the same computer or anywhere on a LAN.

I must say, the prospect of being able to update the operation of 
every Revolution standalone on every workstation on the network by 
changing a single handler & resource library stack on one workstation 
excites me.

...but perhaps my goals are not as "ambitious" as Andy Ihnatko's.     :{`)

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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