How do you pass authentication on the command line?

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Feb 6 02:01:21 EST 2004

I have a situation where I've got Panther running on my G4 and it has
Web Services turned on. A Rev CGI is running that reaches out of the web
server directory to another directory on disk to write a text file in a
specific folder. However once it does this, the owner of the file is
"www" (with read/write permissions) and the group is "wheel" (read only
permission) and the "Other" also only has read-only permission. What I
then need to do is have another standalone Rev app on the same machine
open, edit, and save back to that same file. The problem is that I can't
do that with the current permissions, and the only way I know to make it
happen is to do a "sudo chown" through the terminal... but it asks for
password authentication. I need to be able to do it straight from Rev.

So how do you "sudo" via shell() in Rev and pass authentication on the
command line?

Any help is greatly appreciated...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site: 

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