Rotating an image

Frank Leahy frank at
Sat Feb 7 03:42:22 EST 2004


Here's my RotateImage function, hope it helps.

This assumes you've got an image on your card called "Current Image".

In my version of this function, I first scale the image down to a 
thumbnail size so the user can see what image I'm working on, then I 
call lock screen, then I do the rotation code here.  After the rotation 
is complete I create a new thumbnail of the rotated image and then call 
unlock screen.  This way the user only sees the two thumbnails, never 
the intermediate larger images.

on RotateImage theFileName, direction
   put "binfile:" & theFileName into urlCmd
   put URL urlCmd into image "Current Image"

   put the formattedHeight of image "Current Image" into fh
   put the formattedWidth of image "Current Image" into fw

   if direction = "left" then
     rotate image "Current Image" by 90
   else if direction = "right" then
     rotate image "Current Image" by -90
   end if
   choose browse tool

   put the rect of image "Current Image" into imageRect
   set the itemDelimiter to ","
   if fw > fh then
     put fw - fh into delta
     put delta div 2 into theLeftMargin
     put delta - theleftMargin into theRightMargin
     add theLeftMargin to item 1 of imageRect
     subtract theRightMargin from item 3 of imageRect
   else if fw < fh then
     put fh - fw into delta
     put delta div 2 into theTopMargin
     put delta - theTopMargin into theBottomMargin
     add theTopMargin to item 2 of imageRect
     subtract theBottomMargin from item 4 of imageRect
   end if
   crop image "Current Image" to imageRect

   -- Put whatever jpeg quality level you want here,
   -- but it probably makes sense to use a qualityLevel of 100 for 
   put 100 into qualityLevel
   set the jpegQuality to qualityLevel
   set the paintCompression to "jpeg"
   export image "Current Image" to URL ("binfile:" & theFileName) as JPEG
   put the result into theResult -- you could check this if you wanted to
   set the fileName of image "Current Image" to empty
end RotateImage

-- Frank Leahy

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