ODBC database: cannot find input table or query message.

erik.lips at zonnet.nl erik.lips at zonnet.nl
Mon Feb 9 00:52:02 EST 2004

A very basic database question. The script below gives an error and some 
help explaining this is highly appreciated. I must do something wrong.

on mouseUp
   put revopendatabase("ODBC","AAF database",,,) into aafdbid
   if aafdbid is a number then
-- This is indeed a number.
    answer aafdbid
     put revQueryDatabase(aafdbid,"SELECT * FROM naam") into mycursor
     answer mycursor
    answer "Database could not be opened."
   end if
end mouseUp

This script gives the following message:

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database 
engine cannot find the input table or query 'naam'.  Make sure it 
exists and that its name is spelled correctly.

Many thanks in advance.


PS: Noticed that posts to the list do not always come through. Is that 

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