Is Transcript's English orientation a plus or minus?

Marty Billingsley marty at
Tue Feb 10 15:12:04 EST 2004

> <Bernard.Devlin at> writes:
> Frank wrote
> >>
> This isn't an either or proposition.  Adding support
> for "x = 1" would have no impact on the RR IDE. It would have no impact
> on your ability to use "put 1 into x" all you want.  It would have no
> impact on you, or anyone else using RR today.  But it would make my
> life easier.  And, I believe, it would make RR an easier sell into
> organizations staffed by professional programmers and
> computer-scientists.
> <<
> Whilst I (mostly) would not use the c-like syntax, if it can be added
> without causing confusion, then I think you are right that it would help
> to provide a familiar 'handle' to those used to the c-like languages.

This got me thinking that Rev would be a *great* tool for moving
students *into* the c/c++/java environment.  My 8th graders understand
 set the visible of button "x" to false
 set the label of button "x" to "whatever"

When they get to high school and prepping for the AP exam, which
is now in java, it would be really nice to be able to equate the
above statements with:
 x.visible = false
 x.label = "whatever"
(may not have the syntax exactly right, but you know what I mean)

This would be a gentle introduction to a confusing syntax (okay,
confusing to those seeing it for the first time :-).  I'm always
looking for ways to spend less time on syntax and more time on
the bigger picture (how to design good programs, etc.).

One more way in which Rev could be a great tool in the education

  - marty

Marty Billingsley (marty at
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

    "We are our choices...."
                   - Sartre

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