Exocet dreams; not the missile but...

Ken Norris pixelbird at interisland.net
Thu Feb 12 18:08:09 EST 2004

Howdy ,

I just thought I'd post this for kicks.

Regardless of programming IDEs and language models (although Rev may well be
one of the best for it), here is my dream:

Personally, someday I want to build a complete set of exocet programming
tools with a comprehensive bot which can be used by the disabled to create
personalized software tools to meet their own needs for creating yet more

The idea is to keep the thing homing in on a user's individual needs and
offering possible solutions in the form of preprogrammed startup objects and
modules they can assemble, reassemble, and modify, with as little outside
help as possible. With these basics it would hopefully open up the world to
their creativity, productivity, and independence like never before.

If I were headed for a degree, that would be my thesis model, but I may be
getting too old for that, so I'll just chip away at it a little at a time
'til I can't anymore.

All the best
Ken N.

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