Experimenting with the Vera fonts
SimPLsol at aol.com
SimPLsol at aol.com
Sun Feb 15 01:51:02 EST 2004
I have been using the Bitstream Vera typeface since it was discussed on the
list and I like it a lot.
It is not as clean and well-balanced in small sizes as Geneva but it works,
and at larger sizes it looks as good as Lucinda Grande and better than Arial.
The dots in the middle of the zeros (to distinguish them from Os, "oh"s) do
take some getting used to.
Vera comes in serif, San-serif, and proportional fonts that look good
together. For calendars and number lists where you may have used Courier you can
substitute Vera Sans-serif Mono and it will look good next to text in Vera
Sans-serif Proportional (in my experiments Vera Mono replaced Courier exactly - with
the same width and leading - and it looks much better). One could also use
Vera Sans-serif for buttons and label text while balancing it with Vera Serif for
user text entries. Lots of good possibilities.
Bitstream's licensing is also good, basically you can use the typeface in
commercial products but not sell it on its own - very reasonable.
Paul Looney
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