Transcript and/or ECMA - guess who started it?

jbv jbv.silences at
Wed Feb 18 13:29:36 EST 2004

This post is slightly OT, but a nice improvement of the Rev
engine (rather than the Transcript interpreter itself) would be
to break its present monolithic nature and split it into various
librairies (a bit like C librairies).
This feature would be irrelevant in the IDE, but when building
standalones, the engine would scan all objects and scripts of
a stack and would determine which librairies are necessary and
would attach only those to the standalone.
That would drastically reduce the final size of some apps : too
many times I've had to build small utilities (installers...) with
less than 1 Kb of script, but saw my standalone grow above
1.2 Mb...


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