Immediate/Compile Time Execution for

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Mon Feb 23 09:52:38 EST 2004

>if Runtime
>exposed a lower level API the xTalk,Transcript ... community could 
>build language


As a business applications programmer, I rarely have occasion to 
program at the level you describe; so pardon me if I'm missing the 
big picture.

* One can extend the language to recognize new commands by writing 
handlers to perform the functionality and placing them in a library 
stack or other script.

* One can extend the language to recognize new commands by writing 
externals in C or another language and including the externals in a 
library stack or other stack.

* One cannot write one's own version of a Transcript command with the 
same name and place it in the message path ahead of the engine [just 
tested this]

So it seems to me one can EXTEND Transcript functionality without too 
much difficulty.  The problem arises when one tries to MODIFY 
existing Transcript command functionality or add/change compiler 

Before I wrote a handler to resolve SDB field name references to the 
correct record field at runtime, I gave some thought to writing a 
script preprocessor  that would let the developer reference fields by 
dataname in the Script Editor and convert the script text to change 
references like "TYPE:dataName" to "item [fieldNumber] of TYPEBuffer 
-- >TYPE:dataName<" before compiling and to convert the references 
back when the developer reedits the script.

With such a preprocessor, you should be able to script "x=1" and have 
the preprocessor convert that to "put 1 into x" and vice versa.

I run out of ideas that don't require cooperation from the Run Rev 
team at this point.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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