My ISP doesn't accept "Client CGI" = No RR CGI ;-<

Alex Rice alex at
Mon Feb 23 11:32:50 EST 2004

On Feb 23, 2004, at 9:14 AM, jbv wrote:
> Just curious : what exactly is "not the case with US ISPs" ?

Sorry, I meant CGI is usually available, even with low-end web hosting 

> And would the one you mentioned (for instance) accept to host
> an overseas website, and let the developper install whatever app
> he wants ?

I assume so, but don't know. You better read their service agreement 
and levels of service.

They allow not only CGI, but also have SSH (like telnet) and ability to 
compile stuff, run cron jobs, and so forth. A real Unix shell account. 
The only thing you wouldn't be able to do is install stuff that needs 
root privileges.

> And what about rates, any idea ?

see <>

Not the cheapest, but it's a really great value. If you look at their 
connectivity, and look at the hardware their servers are running, it's 
pretty impressive.

The server I am on (a shared server) is a dual-3Ghz Pentium 4, 2 GB 
RAM, Linux 2.4, journaled filesystem.

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"How" :-)

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |

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