adjusting cells in table field

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Tue Feb 24 01:40:10 EST 2004

> Sorry for not expressing myself properly , I'd like to set different 
> sizes in one table field e.g. column 1 ,150 tab stops column 2 to 50 
> tab stops and so on .
tabStops is still the way to go as you can set it to a comma-delimited 
list of tabs. To use your example, setting a field's tabStops to 
150,200,300 would make the first column 150, the 2nd column 50 and the 
3rd 100. Any other columns take the size of the last one specified, so 
they would be 100 also. Rinaldi's plugin allows you to do this 
graphically and makes it much easier to alter tabs later.

> Or like other applications , to move the grid with the mouse.

If you want to be able to drag column widths around, check out Chipp 
Walter's altFldHeader control at:


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