firing mouseEnter msg of an Image control which was painted

dunbarx at dunbarx at
Sun Feb 1 19:07:21 EST 2015


To hell with the Superbowl. This is important.

Confirmed. The paint inside an image is the only "object" that triggers messages. The enclosing image becomes "invisible". Worse, if you erase all the paint, the image remains recalcitrant. It has been spoiled. One might say it stinks.

Craig Newman

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernard Devlin <bdrunrev at>
To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
Sent: Sun, Feb 1, 2015 4:37 pm
Subject: firing mouseEnter msg of an Image control which was painted

Hi all,

If I drag an image object to a card, mouseEnter is triggered when the mouse
enters that image control's border (no actual image filename has been
specified, so the image is "blank" - although strangely the imageData of
such a "blank" image is not itself empty).

If I then use the paint tools palette to paint a thick line in the middle
of that image, no mouseEnter is triggered on entering the control's border;
that message is not fired until the mouse enters the painted area of the
image control.

How can I get the mouseEnter to fire when the mouse enters the image
control's border, once the image control has been altered with the paint

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