Reverse a list
Kay C Lan
lan.kc.macmail at
Wed Feb 11 21:18:46 EST 2015
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 8:16 AM, Peter Haworth <pete at> wrote:
> Oh yes, and doesn't matter whether you're using LC 7 or something prior to
> that, although that problem appears to be a bug that is already being
> fixed.
> I think that statement requires a qualifier - 'if you are not dealing with
unicode text'.
I did a similar test to you using a Valentina DB with and without unicode.
Specifically I used a UTF8 db so the unicode test data had to be passed
through LCs textDecode(dboutput,"utf8") to get the correct results; which
obviously takes time. My results suggest that if Ali's fix is anything to
go by, when working with utf8 data there could be a noticeable difference
for big data sets and that Mark's qrevers() shines a very favourable light
on LCs capabilities.
I wish to again point out,
NOT because I don't understand how LC counts lines
NOT because I want to change the way LC works
NOT because I want to open a discussion about whehter it's right or wrong,
but simply for awareness, that the DB approach MAY produce a different
result than the LC functions thus far offered. Lets say for example you had
a list of 10,000 customers and their email addresses. Most customers do
have an email, a few don't and it just so happens that your first customer
Aardvark, and last customer, Zoe, don't have email. If you read just the
emails into an LC variable the first line will be blank and you'll have
9999 lines. If you use the LC provided functions thus far presented to
reverse the data, you'll end up with the first line not being blank, and
9998 lines.
On the other hand, if you use a DB, your record count will always be 10000
and your first and last record will always be blank no matter which
direction you sort it.
What did surprise me was that there was NO penalty to adding an ORDER BY
clause to the SELECT statement. My tests included:
natural = SELECT data FROM db -- NO order by clause
forward = SELECT data FROM db ORDER BY recid
reverse = SELECT data FROM db ORDER BY recid DESC
My 10,000 and 100,000 results below:
This test was for Unicode = NO
With a data set that looks like:
!"#$% &'()* +,-./ 01234 56789 :;<=> ?@ABC DEFGH IJKLM NOPQR STUVW XYZ[\
]^_`a bcdef ghijk lmnop qrstu vwxyz
..... repeated 9999 times for a Total of 10006 lines of data.
Extracting the data in natural order took 44 ms
Extracting the data in Forward order took 41 ms
Extracting by Reverse order took 41 ms
This test was for Unicode = YES
With a data set that looks like:
àâäãå çéèêë íìîïñ óòôöõ úùûü† °¢£§•
¶ß®©™ ´¨≠ÆØ ∞±≤≥¥ µ∂∑∏π ∫ªºΩæ ø¿¡¬√
ƒ≈∆«» … ÀÃÕ Œœ–—“ ”‘’÷◊ ÿŸ⁄€‹ ›fifl‡·
..... repeated 9999 times for a Total of 10006 lines of data.
Extracting the data in natural order took 77 ms
Extracting the data in Forward order took 77 ms
Extracting by Reverse order took 76 ms
This test was for Unicode = NO
With a data set that looks like:
!"#$% &'()* +,-./ 01234 56789 :;<=> ?@ABC DEFGH IJKLM NOPQR STUVW XYZ[\
]^_`a bcdef ghijk lmnop qrstu vwxyz
..... repeated 99999 times for a Total of 100006 lines of data.
Extracting the data in natural order took 545 ms
Extracting the data in Forward order took 556 ms
Extracting by Reverse order took 535 ms
This test was for Unicode = YES
With a data set that looks like:
àâäãå çéèêë íìîïñ óòôöõ úùûü† °¢£§•
¶ß®©™ ´¨≠ÆØ ∞±≤≥¥ µ∂∑∏π ∫ªºΩæ ø¿¡¬√
ƒ≈∆«» … ÀÃÕ Œœ–—“ ”‘’÷◊ ÿŸ⁄€‹ ›fifl‡·
..... repeated 99999 times for a Total of 100006 lines of data.
Extracting the data in natural order took 998 ms
Extracting the data in Forward order took 1010 ms
Extracting by Reverse order took 1005 ms
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