Deleting cards from within themselves.

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Mon Feb 16 14:42:11 EST 2015

This CANNOT be done, as such.

I am currently working up a moronically simple flashcard program for
people to learn words in a new language.

It features a card where end-users can add terms.

Now, for every new term a templet card is cloned and 2 fields on the 
cloned card are filled.

No rocket science round these parts!

HOWEVER . . . there's always one of those . . .

I want a button on each vocab. card that allows chummy to delete that card.

Tried a button with this script:

on mouseUp
   put the ID of this card into fld "QARD" of card "INPUTTER"
   send "mouseUp" to btn "DELL" of card "INPUTTER"
end mouseUp

where button "DELL" contains this:

on mouseUp
   put fld "QARD" into QARD
   delete card ID QARD
end mouseUp

now, clicking directly on button "DELL" deletes the card . .

but clicking the button on the card to be deleted does NOT delete that 
card because the script in that button
is still active.

Would be grateful for any ideas on this one.


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