xTalk Syntax (was Re: Andy's comments and positioning...)

xbury.cs at clearstream.com xbury.cs at clearstream.com
Mon Feb 9 04:29:04 EST 2004

I know that a lot of colleagues would rather not use a "Mac" tool...

Not that they like Microsoft tool better but what PC, SUN, Unix, Linux
 marketing have they seen? They surely dont look at mac stuff...

While the Mac market is important, Im sure they're missing about
90% of the programmer's market with this kind of tactic... 


On 09/02/2004 03:22:30 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>> I thought Kevin dealt well with that one the other day. If
>> anyone has a
>> perception that Rev is a Mac tool, there's not much that can
>> be done to
>> help them. The MacWorld (UK?) reviewer who said that obviously had
>> spent little or no time writing the review. Nothing at RunRev's Web
>> site, in their marketing or, anywhere else that I've seen
>> conveys that
>> message.
>Sorry, Dan, I respectfully disagree. Rev has had ads or been written
>about in several Mac magazines (MacWorld UK, MacAddict, MacTech), but I
>have yet to see an ad or write-up in a PC magazine (and I subscribe to a
>bunch). I don't know about UNIX mags, but perhaps someone else can
>comment on this. Do a web search for "Runtime Revolution" and see just
>how many "hits" you get for sites that advertise or promote PC
>development tools or news on the PC front.
>And look at the web site - the first page (after you get past the flags)
>has the words "Mac", "MacWorld" and "MacUser" all over it. I *know* this
>not the norm and is because we just came out of MacWorld, and Rev won an
>Eddy in MacWorld magazine, but for people going to the site in the last
>couple of months, it helps to form an opinion that Rev is primarily a
>Mac tool.
>And speaking of MacWorld, RunRev has been at conventions selling Rev,
>but what kinds of conventions? Almost exclusively Mac conventions
>(AFAIK). And once again, regardless for the reason for it, it adds to
>the "buzz" about Rev as a Mac tool.
>Additionally, Rev is very often compared to RealBasic - primarily known
>as a Mac development environment - and that doesn't help its image one
>Finally, there are a handful of features that need to be in the product
>(IMHO) to be "taken seriously" in the PC community (ActiveX support,
>Win32 DLL access, etc.), which may be part of the reason it's not been
>covered in the PC trades.
>Look, I'm not trying to say that what RunRev's doing is not helping sell
>boxes, but what I *am* saying is that the groundswell of commentary on
>Rev is in the Mac community. And to shake that off and truly be a
>cross-platform tool, RunRev will need to balance the Mac marketing with
>marketing in the Windows and UNIX communities, when it is the
>appropriate time to do so.
>Just my $0.02,
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
>Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
>use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution at lists.runrev.com

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